What Is In Store For 2022

The Lord Is Speaking…. “In 2022, you’ll know what to do.” That’s how Brother Copeland sums up the word of the Lord he received for the upcoming new year. Most of us can remember life without GPS (though it sure does make life easier!), but none of us has ever been without a map. Knowing… Read More

STREETLIGHT UK received the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe would like to congratulate Streetlight UK on receiving a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service for providing frontline support services for at-risk women in Sussex and surrounding areas. A Queen’s Award is the highest award a voluntary group can be given. Who is Streetlight UK? Streetlight was founded in 2012 by its… Read More

Praying for Afghanistan

Praying for Afghanistan

We are praying for our Partners and friends in Afghanistan and those who are affected by what has been happening. We pray for the people living there, for the pastors and missionaries in this country and for everyone that helped sharing the Gospel in Afghanistan. We pray for freedom in this country and that the… Read More