With 2022 being KCM Europe’s 40th year of ministry, what better way to celebrate than with a dearly loved and honoured guest speaker, Dr Jerry Savelle.
This event took place on Tuesday 1st March, 2022 and was offered to our Partners. Dr Savelle spoke via the virtual zoom platform. 22 nations were represented with 371 people in attendance.

This was the first time we had an event like this for our KCM Europe Partners and Dr. Jerry Savelle was the very first Partner of Kenneth Copeland Ministries back in the 1970’s.
Sharing from A Word from the Lord for 2022, Dr. Savelle spoke on:
The Open Hand of God 
Unusual, extraordinary, supernatural provision.
The number 20 in the Hebrew represents an open hand, giving freely and provision.
The number 22 in the Hebrew represents disorder and chaos.
“In the midst of more and more chaos and disorder, I will open My hand and will freely give to those who refuse to be shaken by it.
They will receive provision in the midst of chaos.”
The number 20 also represents expectancy – so expect the hand of God to manifest on your behalf even in the midst of disorder and chaos.
Reading from 2 Timothy vs 3, Brother Jerry emphasised: Don’t be deceived, don’t be troubled. We are living in perilous times; we are living in days of chaos. Don’t let it distract you, look to the Word. It is possible to live in a troubled world and not be troubled.
Philippians 4:19 says: ‘My God will supply all my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus.’
Let the Word be your Influence
From 2 Timothy 3:14, Dr. Savelle encouraged us to continue in the things we learned from Brother Copeland. Dig out old messages and go over them. Continue to dance with the one who brought you. Continue in the teaching that got you where you are today, stick with it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. The Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path. Let the Word be your influence. To be influenced by the world brings trouble.
Habakkuk 3:2 in God’s Word (GW) translation says, “In all this chaos remember to be merciful”.
God has a plan there is no place too dark or too high for his grace not to work. God wants to open his hand of blessing and show you favour.
Pray this:
“Lord In all this chaos remember to show me favour. I will stick with it and declare you are taking me to a higher place.”
You can listen to Brother Jerry’s full message here.
Partner Meeting with Dr. Jerry Savelle 2022 Audio from Kenneth Copeland.
If you would like to find out more about Partnership, you can get in touch with one of our Partner Relations team members by calling +44 (0)1225 787310, Monday-Friday, 09:15 – 16:20 (UK Time) or through our on line form.
Remember God loves you, we love you and JESUS IS LORD!