« Provision Testimonies

Prayer for A House Answered

Praise the Lord. The Lord is good who answers prayers immediately.

The other week I received a phone call from KCM. The caller asked me what I wanted to agree with him in prayer. I said my daughter and granddaughter to have a house. They were homeless so had moved back in.  My granddaughter to receive good grades from her mock exams and my daughter to get married.

Within a few days the council called her with a permanent house in Cheshire, NW of England. She has just signed the contract today. No more moving house every two years as she has been doing for the last 15 years.

I believe God is touching a man who fears God and has faith in God to find her and marry her.

And her daughter has passed with high grades in readiness for her GCSE’s. Amen

C.W. – United Kingdom