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The Word of God – The Authoritative Word: First and Final

“While they were there, the time came for her baby to be born” (Luke 2:6, TLB).

One of the most moving and celebrated scenes at Christmas is that of the Nativity. A treasured symbol of the greatest gift to all mankind is also a reminder of something far greater than what occurred one night in Bethlehem. The Nativity scene offers a composite view of the many events that led up to, and even followed, Jesus’ birth.

Advent 2023 - The Word

Though the focus of Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth (Christ—Messiah, Mas—celebration), what people rarely consider are the hundreds of miraculous and supernaturally- timed events that were required to fulfill the Redemption plan of Jesus’ birth and beyond. These events were inevitably brought about through the cooperation of mankind with God, obeying and trusting God’s Word and will. All of these events, all of these people, all of these prophecies fulfilled ultimately prove the uncanny accuracy of the Word of God.

The supernatural was set in motion in countless situations simultaneously to arrive at one event occurring “at the proper time” (Romans 5:6, LEB) and in the right place with all the correct participants, as prophesied 700 years earlier. Amazingly, all the hundreds of variables required came together flawlessly. Mathematically speaking, the odds of the number of prophecies of Jesus’ birth and life being fulfilled are staggeringly low—in other words, impossible!

Yet, the miracle timing of Christmas trumpets the supernatural accuracy of the Word of God, then and now. The Bible is the most ancient and yet the most modern document on earth, and it is a picture of God Himself. This Christmas, let’s discover more about Him by taking a widescreen look at the supernatural timing of Christmas…



The Word of God Is First and Final Authority
“Teach them your word, which is truth” John 17:17 (NLT).

Live the Word

What are you speaking today? Be intentional…find out what God says in His Word about your life and decide to ONLY speak that. Agree with God and His Word about your life. Decide today: “All His words are true!”

Speak the Word

God’s Word is the first and final authority in my life. I choose to believe His Word and plan. I put myself in agreement with His Word. His Word is true and is from everlasting to everlasting. Father, You are the Alpha and Omega—the first and last Word in my life. What You say about me and my family WILL come to pass!

 Scripture Study: Psalm 119:151-152, 160



Make the Word of God the first and final authority in your life. Do not waver. What He said He has done, He has done; and what He says He will do, He will do.

Walking it out to victory:

  • Discover the Word of God for your situation.
  • Write it down on sticky notes and post it wherever you will see it every day.
  • Study it. Speak it. Stand on it. Every time.

Click on the image below to download the PDF with the devotion and the craft activities related to The Word.