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Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Your children are precious to you. The Scripture calls them a heritage and a reward. You love them so much that you want them to grow and mature into happy, healthy, successful adults. But do you love them enough to train them the way God says in His Word, to be an example to them and even to correct them?

Raising children - God's Way

Take Your Place as a Godly Parent

If you are a parent, God has commanded you to teach and train your children in His Word and His ways so that they can live a victorious life. It’s not an option. It’s a responsibility that each of us as parents will have to answer for.

Genesis 18:19 indicates that God chose Abraham because He knew Abraham would teach his children to keep the ways of the Lord. It’s evident this is very important to God.

We live in a time when the world is getting darker and it is becoming more of a challenge to live holy. Even those who are saved can find themselves bombarded with all kinds of ungodly, perverse sights and sounds from television, movies, magazines, the Internet—you name it. If adults are being challenged with negative input and temptation, just think what kind of environment today’s children are growing up in. If they don’t have strong parental direction and training, the enemy is sure to have free reign in their lives. Taking your place as a godly parent has never been more important.

The enemy wants to control the lives of as many people as he can. He does this by tricking them into going his way. He is peddling murder, hate and every kind of ungodly, immoral thing you can think of. If he can get those kinds of things before a person’s eyes and in their ears, he will have a place in their life.

Unfortunately, even some Christians are opening the door to the enemy by taking part in the world’s unclean entertainment and activities. They may think it won’t hurt them, but people can’t feed on the world’s trash and not be affected.

If we don’t fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12), the devil will come in and take over our homes and our children. And remember, when he comes in, he brings the curse with him. We must fight to keep our homes devil free!

Be Ye Separate

Do you realize that consistently living a holy lifestyle has everything to do with how your children turn out? If you go to church and talk right and look good in front of people, but then you live differently at home, you are making it very hard for your children to take God seriously. As they are growing up, children learn more by watching what you do than by listening to what you say. And they never forget what they observe at home.

Holiness is letting God separate you out of the darkness of the world into a life that is worth living—a life lived in Him.

Excerpt from the minibook Raising Children Without Fear

© 2002 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Raising Children Without Fear

Raising Children Without Fear Minibook


In Raising Children Without Fear, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland share how to:

Teach your children to be separate from the things of the world

Close the door to the enemy and keep your household safe from sin

Break the cycle of fear in your life and the lives of your children

Now is the time to provide your family with a solid home, full of love and support. You can do it—when you discover the keys to Raising Children Without Fear!

Also included—a powerful list of scriptural promises to stand on for your children.