Partnership is God’s plan for the good news of THE BLESSING in Jesus to be given to the world, and it’s the plan that has worked since Jesus walked the earth Himself! It originated in the Bible with the very first blood covenant agreement God made with man – when He made one with Noah… Read More
Each week at 2pm UK time, on Thursdays, our Partners from across Europe meet together to pray on Zoom for half an hour of Spirit led prayer. The link can be found on the KCM Europe Partnership Hub or by sending an email to “Partner Community Zoom Prayer is a really super way to… Read More
Experience more of God’s yoke-destroying, burden-removing power through the anointing exchange! You are not alone. Did you know that? It can feel like it in the natural realm sometimes, but God designed you to have total and complete access to untold power in your life through Jesus by faith. But He also designed us to operate… Read More
WHAT MAKES YOU A COVENANT PARTNER? Partners… Partners are individuals, and families, businesses and ministries that faithfully and periodically sow some level of financial support and prayer into Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Your Partner gift enables KCM to carry out its global mission and positions you to receive the rewards for the work, the anointings of… Read More
Brother Copeland’s Testimony on Partnership “I’ll never forget the first time I understood this [the power of covenant partnership]. I was a student at Oral Roberts University, just getting started in ministry. I was working for Brother Roberts as co-pilot on his airplane and I’d flown him to a meeting in Georgia. He preached on… Read More